Daily Archives: Thursday, April 21, 2022

  • Standing Seam Metal Roofs Pros & Cons

    The Advantages and Disadvantages of Using a Standing Seam Metal Roof

    With more homeowners opting for standing seam metal roofs, more attention has been drawn to this roofing option. Which then begs an important question; Is the standing seam metal roof the best fit for every home? It sadly is not. While many homeowners were more than satisfied with this metal roof, it does not fully satisfy the needs of some homeowners. Now the question is, how do you know the category you fall in? Knowing both the good and bad sides of installing a standing seam metal roof will help you decide if it’s the right fit for you.

    The Advantages of a Standing seam metal roof

    1. Standing seam metal roofs have an impressive lifespan 

    This is perhaps the biggest and most beneficial advantage of installing a standing seam metal roof. On average, these roofs can last up to 30 years as long as the installation process is done smoothly, and proper ventilation is allowed into the attic. In the best-case scenario, you could use this roof for as long as 50 years without having any leaks. However, if the metal panel scratches at any time, corrosion could begin as a result of its reaction with air. This could then reduce its overall lifespan by a significant number of years.

    2. You do not have to worry about extreme maintenance measures 

    Most types of roofs on the market require extreme maintenance measures that often become an inconvenience to the homeowner. This is why the standing seam metal roof is a great choice to get. It requires very little to no maintenance in order to remain effective. After installation, you may only need to do a general assessment from time to time to ensure everything is in order. Besides that, periodically cleaning the roof in order to maintain its aesthetic is all that is needed. Unlike with other roof types, you do not need to repair holes or cracks as this roof is not only efficient but is also durable.

    3. Installing a standing seam metal roof improves the overall appeal of your home

    No doubt installing this metal roof over your home improves its appeal significantly. A standard seam metal roof will give your home a better general look from a beauty standpoint than asphalt shingles or a standard-3 tab would. This is the reason why most modern homeowners decide to use a standing seam metal roof to cover areas like bay windows, side porches, front porches, and many more, as opposed to other conventional options. This roof brings out the beauty of the overall design and improves the value of your home’s curb.

    The Disadvantages of installing a Standing seam metal roof 

    Now we have covered the advantages, we must also discuss why this may not be a great fit for your home. These disadvantages are the most obvious reasons why most homeowners pass up on this roof.

    1. Buying and installing a new standing seam metal roof is expensive

    The first and perhaps most discouraging reason why most homeowners pass up this roof is as a result of its high price tag. This roof costs around three times the price of asphalt shingles which is a commonly used roofing material.

    What this means is that the cost to cover a two-story home with average roofing material, including a little complexity, improved accessibility, and also architectural asphalt shingles can be anywhere from $4.76 to $5 per square foot. In comparison, you would most likely spend around $15.00 per square foot for the exact same home.

    This massive price jump is unacceptable to many homeowners who may appreciate the value of a standing seam metal roof, but not enough to pay 3 times the amount for it. However, if you are not on a budget, buying and installing this roof is still a great option.

    2. The sound of rain could be noisy with a standing seam metal roof

    The next disadvantage is a rather common observation of using this roof. Many people complain of loud noise every time it rains as a result of the reverberation on the roof. This echo that results from the rain hitting the top of the standing seam metal roof is often a deal-breaker to many homeowners who would rather have peace and quiet when it rains. However, properly constructing a roof decking will go a long way to curb some of the noise to the point where it gets lost in the background.

    Also, adding wood fiber insulation boards in the space between your metal panel and the roof’s decking will also go a long way to numb the sound of rain. During a heavy downpour, however, you may still be disturbed by the loud echo despite these added boards. There is almost no way to escape the harsh reality that installing a standing seam metal roof will leave you with loud echo noises whenever it rains. In some cases, homeowners get used to the echo and it does not bother them as much as when the roof was newly installed.

    3. Oil canning is a possibility with standing seam metal roof panels

    Many homeowners who have installed the standing seam metal roof have complained of oil canning. This usually happens when roof installers go overboard and tighten the standing seam metal panels a little too much, resulting in oil canning.

    When these metal panels expand, they only do so lengthwise, only seeing as there is not enough space for them to expand sideways. As a result of this, the metal roof panels begin showing signs of oil canning just soon after. The first sign is a bubbling look on the surface which then turns wavy after a period of time.

    It is important to note that while this oil-canning may not have any adverse effect on the functionality of the roof, its aesthetics take a big hit. And so, if aesthetics are a big deal to you, you may need to think twice as oil canning is a real possibility.